Local Residents win Case Against Service Station Approval

A small group of concerned local residents took Sunshine Coast Council to court after it approved a service station and 2 fast food outlets on residential zoned land on David Low Way, Mudjimba.

Bon Voyage Nile River

The Nile River Dredge has completed its task which delivered 1.3 million cu.m of sand to the site of the new 1331 runway at the Sunshine Coast Airport and is now in transit back to Singapore.


The Mudjimba Residents’ Association Inc. has enjoyed another busy year with numerous issues arising, developing and, in some case, concluding.

Council community briefing on the MRECG process – 15 Aug 2017

On Tuesday 15th, I attended the Council community briefing on the Maroochy River Estuary Consultation Group process (MRECG). The meeting of the North Shore area (the first of 5 area

Maroochy River Estuary Consultation Group

Image Credit – ‘Don’t Rock the Maroochy’ Group Maroochy River Estuary Consultation Group We are still waiting confirmation of the chairperson for the MRECG which Council indicates should happen soon.

Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch Citizen’s Service – ANZAC DAY 25 April 2017

The ANZAC Tradition The ANZAC tradition – the ideals of courage, endurance and mate-ship that are still relevant today – was established on 25 April 1915 when the Australian and

ANZAC Day Service – Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch

ANZAC DAY Commemorating the Centenary of the Westerm Front and the charge of the Light Horse during the Battle of Beersheba LEST WE FORGET The Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch will

Loud & clear objection to Twin Waters West before Council’s Special Meeting.

As you may already be aware, the Sunshine Coast Council has unexpectedly scheduled a Special Meeting for next Thursday 13th April, to consider in confidential session, and then apparently vote

Council to vote on the “Twin Waters West amendment” next Thursday, 13th April 2017

This amendment includes the change in purpose of the Twin Waters West site from rural to emerging community (urban), enabling Stocklands to develop 1000 house blocks. The current Planning Scheme

Don’t Rock the Maroochy Still!

It has been two months since the Council voted to defer a decision on rocking the Maroochy River mouth and there has been no public indication of what level of
